Sunday, 15 April 2012

Honor thy self.

good evening,

Honor thy self.

Three simple words, yet they are not simple. The meaning is strong, the intent is strong. Something that should be simple, yet it is truely a test of ones character. Yet i notice that quite a few people forget that, they think they can be assholes just because they are on the internet. They get to be trolls, they get to hide behind a screen and say things to piss off others that they may or may not truely mean. because they don't have the spine to say it on their real profiles.

It amuses them and then they get to go back to their other profiles and be back to being them, and back to pretending that they actually are respectful members of the community. If they were truely respectful members of the community, they would speak the words they want to say under their account and own those words, instead of trolling.

I honor myself. i speak my mind in a way that honors those that i care about about and call family. That doesn't always mean that they agree with everything i have to say on any given issue, but i am alright with that, because i am not them and they are not me. That doesn't mean that my views aren't correct, that doesn't mean that they are wrong either. Its all about perception, the difference is that i stand behind my opinions, my words, my views are my own views. They stem from the life i have lived.

  In the end, i don't have another account to express those veiws, because i am not a coward unlike those who troll. I am not ashamed of my veiws. i stand by what i say even if they can at times be against people or for things others don't like. i don't need to hide behind another screen name to express them, i don't need to hide behind anything, because while my veiws may not be the popular one, or even the morally correct one, but it is the one I agree with, and it is the one i will speak to.


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