I have been accepted and am slated to teach.
Yet with that comes some struggle for me, I am a puppy, this is who I am at the my core, so explaining it to people who don't see the world the way i do, is difficult.
As of late I have been working on the seminar, it should be so simple, so easy to explain to people. Because for me its so easy to reach out and type like I do anything else, I write, I word craft, it flows from inside me as easy as water flows from a river. Its a natural talent, really. yet this I struggle, I struggle to put that which is in my heart, that which resides in my soul down on paper. Part of me is struggling and I realize that as I write it, is that explaining activities is great, but they don't touch on the why, or the feelings they invoke, what it feels like to be in my head and see the world or how they influence my world.
I am a puppy thus feelings are important, I naturally pick them up, that and energy of those around me, but to write down the seminar seems like i'm killing them, beating them with a shovel and not being fair to that which makes me, me.
I have always been bad at Clinical writing, I need to write something with some kind of passion or drive, heat, or anger, some emotion in which I can use to fuel that fire, that writing, without that emotion, it comes out flat and un interesting. I have never been a list persion, there is nothing worse then writing a list for me, nothing worse then writing something that is so unimportant that details are left out.
I have always been distracted by the new idea, my ideas, my imagination, because in my head my childhood imagination is still strong and flurishing, it builds and builds, it learns and adapts. I have gone from a child who hoped that I would one day be a Power Ranger, to being an Adult who's imagination cannot imagine a world without them.
Imagination is what makes my world go around, in the end the brain is the biggest sexual organ a person has, and with mine its practically unlimited. My imagination and my knowledge of myself helps me grow, helps me learn, but it also helps me be true to myself. My imagination is the strongest part of mind, that and my critical thinking, is there is any wonder I identify as a puppy or exist so strongly as there is one built into my nature?
With that in mind is there any wonder why I live the lifestyle in which I live every moment of every day so easily so completely? I see the world through the eyes of a puppy, because I'm free from the constraints that which most people are blind to. I have always been a human-puppy, so my imagination grew around that. after all squirrels are evil, hoomans give good ear scritches and squeakies are the best thing ever. It’s a sense of being loyal of having a pack and knowing that with every ounce of your being. Puppies are protective and loyal, we care for our humans and are cared for. It is who we are in side.
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